Monday, March 07, 2005

Nobody wants me...


Remember that job I was blathering on about just a few days ago? The one that I proclaimed was waiting for the right person to bring them to the "next level"? Well, a few recent developments - one in particular - lead me to the unavoidable conclusion that the firm is quite content with its current level. According to the kindly worded letter I received last Friday, there is no need whatsoever for advancement on the level front - at least at the current time (is that a glimmer of hope I see?). Nevertheless, the kind words contained within said notice of rejection did suggest that next summer might be a more appropriate time for the strenuous exercise known to those who play way too many video games as "level-upping" (yes, perhaps it is).

At this point, I fully understand the state of shock you are no doubt experiencing; however, I must assure you that you read the following news correctly: for whatever foolhardy reason, the powers that be made the incalculably detrimental (to their profits and my self-esteem) decision to not accept my services as their undying slave over the summer.

On the plus side, this outcome - and the accompanying emotional coma I am now in the throes of - strongly suggests that I will be home this summer, for the benefit of my mental well-being, if nothing else. Now, the question is whether a return to California will be one consisting of employment and the furtherance of my fledgling legal career or long periods spent on the couch watching early afternoon Maury reruns. Only time will tell.

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