Sunday, January 09, 2005


(setting the scene: I'm staying with a few friends at one guy's brother's apartment in downtown Manhattan)

Somewhat early in the morning of the 31st, I awoke to the loud whining of Dan, who in his rush to secure what he assumed was the premiere sleeping spot the night before, had laid claim to the "midget" couch. This turned out to be a major mistake because in order to get any kind of sleep he had to either curl up in the fetal position or let his feet hang off the side. As Dan would attest this morning, neither orientation offered even the semblance of comfort.

To drown out the incessant complaining, we engaged in a few rise-and-shine games of Bomberman and Mario Kart. Fortunately, Ro’s mom showed up right as we were waking up and made each one of us a tasty chicken sandwich for brunch so that we didn’t have to leave the apartment. Her good intentions were obvious, but I am a firm believer that she had an ulterior motive: to allow us to play video games uninterrupted. She is Ro’s mom after all.

Sufficiently nourished, we then headed out to pick up Peter’s luggage and dry cleaning for the big night. To this end, Dan, Josh, Peter and I trekked from the financial district through the madness at Canal St. to Peter’s friend Mike’s apartment on 14th or somewhere in that vicinity. On the way, we made a pit stop at Gray’s Papaya, where big-spender Dan purchased a bucket of papaya juice to flex his financial muscles. An investment guru if I have ever met one, he drank less than half of the 64 ounces and threw the remainder away. Perhaps this is an indicator that his forthcoming business ventures aren’t going to be the cash cow he envisions.

At some point, Josh and Dan caught the train back to Ro’s brother's place while Peter and I grabbed his stuff and caught a cab to NYU. Once there, we primped and preened (not each other) until everyone showed up for dinner.

Unable to decide on a place to eat, we let Peter do the honors. Of course, that meant we would invariably end up at one of two places: Sammy’s Noodle Shop or Funayama. Since this was a special night, Peter lead us to the latter, a sushi spot which serves up gargantuan slices of fish and, on New Year’s Eve, we were pleased to see, free champagne.

Following the meal, we purchased some alcohol and played a variation on quarters called Baseball to pass the time. Despite Sarah’s inability to make a quarter bounce, Dan and I triumphed. During the middle of our second game, Peter received what I can only assume was a frantic call from one of his friends who was already at Pioneer (ultimately, opposition to the Tribeca party won out). Apparently, it was “getting packed” and quick action on our part was the only guarantee of securing entry into what was sure to be a sold-out Pioneer New Year’s Eve party. By our standards, it was still too early to head to a bar – it was about 10:15 - but we heeded the advice of the anonymous phone-caller anyway and hightailed it out of my apartment and into cabs.

Suffice it to say, Pioneer was not packed by any means. Even so, we paid our $75 and entered Peter’s second home. Since it was early, we sat down at a table and began drinking in earnest. Most of the conversation centered around the lack of attractive females and, more interestingly, how to tie a balloon to an unsuspected bar patron. In spite of what you may think, the latter needs no explanation.

A few hours later, when leaving Pioneer, we emerged to find an somewhat irritated Ro, struggling to hold up his somewhat intoxicated girlfriend. Seeing him in such a state, I came over to offer my support and, unexpectedly, was met with a punch to the face. Hardened through years of playing fighting games, Ro’s iron fist damaged my face to such an extent that my lip actually became a bit swollen. A mutilated lip would not stop me, however, from eating a breakfast at Gramercy Diner. Nor would it earn me any sympathy that night, as I was forced to sleep on the midget couch as Dan had the night before. How quickly we turn our back on those in need.

And, yes, if you were wondering, he did apologize. Now to get even!

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