Friday, January 21, 2005

It figures

Due to some late night partying yesterday across the street at Off the Wagon, a bar best known as an NYU undergrad hang-out, I finally managed to soil my perfect attendance record, sleeping through my Property class. Damn you free drinks and friendly law students - I was proud of being so virtuous! Now that I've tasted the sweet nectar of truancy, only time will tell if I fall into a routine of slacking and fail out of law school under a cloud of shame.

Lucky for me (or not, depending on how you look at it), something happened while I was sleeping away the previous night that militates to maintaining my good behavior - the professor called on me to answer a question. Not being there, I of course could not and someone in the class had to say something to the effect of "he's not here". Any other time, this event would have been benign, but, because I was absent, her wrath is sure to be incited and I will undoubtedly pay a high price.

I now strive for 99% attendance, a lofty goal but an attainable one.

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