Monday, January 23, 2006

Notable Rise in Productivity

Accomplished more than usual today -- dropped off 12 shirts at the cleaners; scheduled a few lunches to take advantage of Restaurant Week 2006 (most excited about Aquavit, a Scandanavian place once featured on A Cook's Tour); did some reading for Criminal Procedure, and in the process learned that search warrants cannot usually be served at night (good to know); bought groceries for those days not involving difficult-to-make reservations; filed a bunch of miscellaneous paperwork that has been living in a pile at my feet for almost a week; cleaned the fridge of Crystal Light stains (despite not drinking such swill myself, at any time there is a gallon of the stuff inhabiting our refridgerator); hit the gym; and, lastly, organized my class notes thus far.

Thanks to the mysterious disappearance of my
constitutional law professor, I was also able to sleep in this morning without (much) guilt. It's nice to start out a week on the right foot for a change.

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