Monday, November 28, 2005


Ah, relief. I feel re-energized and invigorated. There’s nothing like spending time with friends and family while being completely unproductive to overcome the winter doldrums. As I sit here on the plane, alternatively watching Food Network and trying in vain to quiet my very loud stomach (note to self: never fly cross-country on Jetblue without purchasing a meal to eat on the plane), I realize that long periods of sitting around were exactly what I wanted – and needed - to extract from the Thanksgiving holiday in order to be prepared for the end of the semester.

The time has now come to buckle down and hit the books with force. I’ve got to learn environmental law, patent law, trademark law, and corporate law over the next three weeks. Sound impossible? Well, it is – but I’ll do my best. Given this predicament, you know what I am thankful for? First, I’ve already got a job! And second, Christmas is only three weeks (or so) away!

Side note: I need to come up with something more interesting to talk about. This blog is turning into one of those boring ass let-me-tell-you-the-minutiae-of-my-day websites that are the scourge of the Internet.

I guess, theoretically, rather than discuss my work ethic or lack thereof, I could have written about this guy on the plane who wouldn't sit down but chose to stand for the majority of the flight by the bathroom. When that wasn't working for him, he paced the aisles. Must have been scared of flying, right? I'm not certain of his motivation, but it was probably the most bizarre behavior I've seen on a flight.


Anonymous said...

Mike and May - Our website is and it is a photo journal of Mike and Maylene traveling the United States and Philippines. We have hundreds of photo galleries for you to enjoy on our website. There are pictures of our road trips through the United States, Texas, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, DC, and the Philippines, we have been all over the Philippines Islands at beaches and other tourist destinations mostly just eating, drinking and having fun. It is one of the most peaceful and affordable places to travel so check out our pics and sign the guestbook...thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Mike and May - Our website is and it is a photo journal of Mike and Maylene traveling the United States and Philippines. We have hundreds of photo galleries for you to enjoy on our website. There are pictures of our road trips through the United States, Texas, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, DC, and the Philippines, we have been all over the Philippines Islands at beaches and other tourist destinations mostly just eating, drinking and having fun. It is one of the most peaceful and affordable places to travel so check out our pics and sign the guestbook...thanks!!!