Monday, April 11, 2005

Stressed out already

With finals just around the corner, stress has begun its assault on my mind and body in earnest. It's a terrible feeling to be constantly under attack by thoughts of the massive amounts of work that are required for success here. To make matters worse, sleep offers no sanctuary, because some nightmare about making the fatal mistake that torpedoes your legal career is always lurking around the corner. Even during periods of leisure - which are a scarce commidty in these trying times - I inevitably find my mind wandering to a mental checklist of what must be accomplished before the days of reckoning arrive. Not infrequently, I fantasize about somehow eliminating the constant barrage of worries that wrack my brain. But then I realize that it's precisely that worry (some call it "work ethic") that got me here in the first place, so blissful ignorance might not be such a bright idea. Thwarted, I then try to rationalize the situation in terms of the inconceivable hardships that others must be facing at these very moments to at least reduce the magnitude of the strain. This too is futile, however, because no matter what mental gymnastics I attempt, convincing my stubborn mind to ignore 8-hours of Crim Law final turns out to be a Herculean task that I'm not equipped to complete.


On a lighter note, here's a miscellaneous link. HEADLINE: Ultimate Warrior's minions threaten to sue satirical website, If you're bored, read this exchange between the administrator of the website and the wrestler-slash-lawyer who is defending the honor of the washed-up warrior. In my current state, I found it hilarious (that's a disclaimer).

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Yeah, it sucks big time. And not only in the sense that it lacks any enjoyable aspects. Studying for law school finals "sucks big time" in the sense that, like some sort of time vacuum straight out of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it inhales all of my leisure time, leaving me with a clean and tidy but overwhelming dull existence.