Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Spring Break Belize, Day 3

On day three, with the girls off on an all-day Mayan ruin tour, Brian, Andy and I had an opportunity to indulge in more testosterone-heavy activities. Naturally, we decided to go crocodile hunting. Actually, that's not true - kayaking was the activity of choice, it just so happens that our chosen kayaking route led us right through the territory of saltwater crocodiles. Of course, we were unaware of this and so, like idiots, we putted around for hours in our kayaks oblivious to (and literally right on top of) the threat.

Crocodile appetizers:
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Because we didn't actually bump into any crocs and my wildlife obsession remained unsatisfied, I convinced the other guys to stop off on the northern half of Caye Caulker (remember, it's split in twain) to search for more reptiles - this time, iguanas. We did manage to find some iguana tails sticking out of holes, but other than that, the expedition was rather unsuccessful. Well, unsuccessful from my point of view - Andy and Brian did "find" each other:

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While on the other side, we should've picked up lunch:

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On the way back to Caye Caulker proper, the wind intensified, leading to a 30-minute uphill battle of brawn and paddling techinque. Certain that a momentary lapse of effort would result in being sent adrift into the vast expanses of the ocean - and even more certain that the two other guys wouldn't have initiated a rescue - we each doggedly piloted our kayaks into the wind, over the waves, and back to their final resting place in front of our hotel.

Our chariots:
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As Ice Cube would say, "It was a good day."

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