Saturday, February 26, 2005

Wish me luck.

In other news, I had an interview at a law firm on Friday, which, in very uncertain terms, seemed to go pretty well. From the few hours I spent there with various partners and associates, I gather that they seem to be very interested in my science background, particularly the time I spent in working in biotech. That and the possibility of me taking their IP department "to the next level." Their words, not mine. No ego here.


Anonymous said...


This whole job hunt is ridiculous!

Is the job in NY?

Andrew said...

Yeah, it is. But it will only cover a portion of the summer, so I anticipate being home/going on mini-vacations for the rest of it.

This is the only interview I managed to get after sending out more than 50 resumes. If this comes through, I am going to be ecstatic beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dre, it's Sarah. Good luck and junk!

Andrew said...

Hey, thanks Sarah. I certainly could use it.