Thursday, February 24, 2005

Like a bolt of lightning

Eveything was fine in the early morning; I went to class, then to a meeting with my lawyering group to discuss our forthcoming mediation session. But as soon as I returned home from that meeting, a rumbling began in the deep pits of my bowels. Within minutes, it was obvious that something was horribly wrong. In a desperate attempt to return to normalcy, I submitted to a nap for a few hours. Sadly, my effort was in vain, for when I awoke the virus had taken hold of my being, leaving me feverish and on the brink of a major purging. To combat the malevolent machinations of the virus, I ordered soup - japanese udon to be specific - for dinner, purchased Tums, and consumed numerous massive cups of orange juice as well as a dose of Theraflu. Then, I topped it all off with a Tylenol PM and passed out at 10 PM.

Thankfully, after the marathon sleep session, I'm feeling like the devil has, for the most part, released his grasp on my insides. My only hope now is that I'm feeling chipper enough tomorrow to perform well at the job interview I have scheduled for 2 o'clock.

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