Thursday, November 04, 2004

Red, White, and Blue

Talk about a punch in the gut. Two elections in a row now my hopes have been inflated almost to the breaking point - in 2000 when the news that Gore had won Florida was mistakenly reported and in 2004 when all of the pre-election polls indicated Bush was on his way out - only to suffer a crushing defeat November 3rd. Turns out this election wasn't about the economy, the Iraq war, or health care (or the lack thereof) - it was about gay marriage and the "protection" of American values.

Protection from what? To explain the paranoa and irrationality, Middle Americans leaning to the far right must envision a doomsday scenario that goes something like this: an army of gays and lesbians coming to your town to steal your child as part of a massive gay agenda indoctrination movement, so that someday, they can take over America and, from there, turn the world into one big anti-heterosexual bonanza.

Gimme a fucking break.

Grow up all you insecure, sexually frustrated white males. Homosexuals are not competing for your marriage, your wife, your job (it's too menial), your guns, or your America.


sylvie said...

you liberal-homosexual-hippie-baby killer!


i couldnt have said it better myself

Anonymous said...

I to am very disappointed with the election results. But i am not surprised. I knew Bush was going to win. Why? Because for the past 4 years a whif of neo-convervative ideology has swept the country. I don't think people voted for him b/c of his stance on gay marriage or any domestic social issue for that matter. He won because he continued to use scare tactics the past 4 years that has led many Americans to surrender their loyalty to him. He has made the uneducated and ignorant believe that the threat of terrorism is an imminant threat and so unless we take a preventive approach and act preemptively Arabs from all over the world, apparently, (went from Afghanistan to Iraq) are going to disrupt and terrorize our entire country. Middle America leaning to the far right envisions there doom day like this: America no longer being the hegemonic power, America no longer being "The Choosen one and the only country that has the blessing of God," And America no longer being in control of the rest of the world. The country is plagued by neo-conservatives and their belief that America is infallible and superior to all others. If Kerry took a stance against gay marriages it would have done nothing for him electorally. "Red NeckS" in the South want to hear that they are superior to the rest of the world, that most of the world is uncivilized and barbarians. That compared to the rest of the world they are not "white trash" but royalty and genius just for being American. These are peole who think that the value of one American life supersedes that of any other. Why? Becasue in their head we are "the chosen ones." I think the reason Kerry lost was becasue he did not appeal to the neo-conservative belief of American superiority, and American "patriotism". They are expansionists at heart and manifest the idea of spreading "democracy" becasue it sells better and swing voters buy it. Swing voters, people who are indifferent to gay marrige but are suckered into thinking if we don't act preemptly Bin Laden,Saddam Hussein, Bashar of Syria, the Ayatollah of Iran, and Arafat will hijack America. Kerry was at a disadvantage becasue Bush has been campaigning for 4 years, feeding us war propaganda that has made most of America think irrationally. Anyway, sorry for the long entry. I just like to talk politics. But yah, I agree most of the men that voted for Bush are the very masculine men, men that capitalize on being a man and looked and valued the election just as they look at and value a football game. They felt they had to support Bush because he represented the "American" team...or should i say "Team America"....i haven't seen that movie yet have u?

-Lina : 0

Andrew said...

Wow, Lina. Great commentary. Much better than the outrage-induced blurb I put up.

Yeah, obviously it's more complicated than being about one single issue. Personally, I just hate the fact that the gay marriage issue was approached in the manner it was - by both parties. It really shouldn't be that big of a deal, and isn't in a lot of other parts of the civilized world.

Given the current political situation, I guess it was a bit naive of me to think that Kerry could win at all, especially considering the "he's OK but far from what I want in a leader" attitude of most Democrats. To me, it's distressing to see people I believe are selfish, greedy, underhanded, manipulative, and either immoral or ammoral peverting morality and patriotism to leverage their position in our government. Actually, their success is what is truly scary.

Anonymous said...

Yah i know, It is so sad. It is like we are awarding a leader that kills, with re-election. What is really disheartening is that Kerry could have won if young people (18-25) actually voted. I think they reported like less than 20% voted. And they spent all that money on rock the vote and all those other MTV sponsored campaigns. All for nothing. Because when it comes down do it young people are more than happy to run their mouth but for the most part are too lazy to vote.
take care,

Anonymous said...

I love the limosine liberal rhetoric. Everyone who voted for Bush must be an muscle bound, war loving, redneck, uneducated, white male. The "idiots" of the world. While all the "educated" and "smart" career students, limosine liberals, and welfare moms are really in touch with the world. See how stupid these pigeon hole labels sound? Absurd! I hate it when people resort to rhetoric and gibberish to identify why they lost. Both sides have the same amount of idiots and the same amount of people who have no fucking clue what would actually be best for them.

What it comes down to is there are many different schools of thought as to economic and social issues. The United States has thrived on this for over 200 years.

There is nothing wrong with taking a stance on certain issues. You say that it is ignorant and insecure to not approve of gay marriage. When those opposing can easily call you ignorant and disrespectful to the oath that many people took when getting married as man and wife...not man and man or woman and woman. People have many religious and cultural beliefs that would be equally disrespected.

It's all a matter of perspective. The idea of accepting everything people do may sounds great, but really discourages many moral and culturals beliefs and ideologies of many people. And most of these people don't think gay people are bad or evil people, but that marriage is something that is b/w a man and woman. And really believe in a society of family and that family needs a man and woman. The idea of family has gone downhill as has the concept of marriage through the ever increasing rate of divorce. And don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone should be in an abusive relationship, but honestly being married isn't something that you should go into thinking it will be easy and i really feel so many people just give up to easily. This is a bit of a sidetrack from gay marriage, but more goes along the lines of cultural ideas and the development of a true and stong family which is affected by what those groups identify as amoral action. It's perspective, which it appears you guys only look at one side of.

Also the whole gay marriage thing occured in 11 states that Bush was going to win anyhow. Though it does clearly speak to the "morals" that many voters identified with. But Kerry was against gay marriage too. I think it was more of his moral character or lack there of that people didn't like about kerry.

And "terror" clearly won him the vote. That's why most exit pollers identified morals and economy as larger concerns than the war. I won't disagree that the war did affect voters, but not to the exent you purport.

The reason Kerry lost is b/c Kerry is a chump. He was a bad candidate and the Democrats fucked up by chosing him and further fucked up with his campaigning.

And it's not like this race was even close. Bush whooped Kerry's ass. So maybe those of you bashing him should reconsider where you stand?? Your uppity righteousness didn't get you very far in the election. The worst thing I hear is that people are saying they are leaving the country now and are so pissed. Well i hope you do, that is really intelligent. why not try to work with what we have and make it the best it can be instead of just being pissing and bitching. That's typically why nothing gets done. Get off your high horses and get over the are really just hurting yourselves.

That's my 10 cents! I hate little diatribes like this as they get very one sided and don't give a chance for response and clarification, but what are you gonna do? I'm supposed to call someone a bitch for identification purposes and since Lina and Sylvie don't qualify, I guess Andi is the big winner! So peace bitch and Bush and the republicans dominated!! So I guess, unless your name Josh, that makes every else who posted on this topic a LOSER!!