Sunday, December 11, 2005

Ready, set, go

First final tomorrow, a one hour in-class pipsqueak. If his former exams are any indication, it will consist of approximately ten questions, of which we are to answer six in short answer form. Sounds simple, right? Trust me, it's not. Though not as physically and mentally draining as the typical 4-hour behemoths law professors seem to favor, this format is deceptive in its simplicity. You have only 10 minutes per question, and a few of those precious units of time can easily be consumed while you fumble through your 60-page outline looking -- or perhaps desperately searching -- for the relevant subject matter. That means in all likelihood my mind will have to work at a break-neck pace and my fingers will have to move like the wind in order to develop, research, formulate, and, finally, commit to word processor anything close to an adequate answer. Let's just hope my typing ability is up to the task.

After it's done, the next step is to download the take-home portion of the exam, which we have been granted the rest of the exam period to finish. My goal is to get that done in the next day or two, so it isn't figuratively hanging over my head like a well-greased guillotine blade, and I can move on to the rest of my exams, which have been relegated to the backseat while I learned why Delaware is so important.

I shall return.


Anonymous said...

Mike and May - Our website is and it is a photo journal of Mike and Maylene traveling the United States and Philippines. We have hundreds of photo galleries for you to enjoy on our website. There are pictures of our road trips through the United States, Texas, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, DC, and the Philippines, we have been all over the Philippines Islands at beaches and other tourist destinations mostly just eating, drinking and having fun. It is one of the most peaceful and affordable places to travel so check out our pics and sign the guestbook...thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Mike and May - Our website is and it is a photo journal of Mike and Maylene traveling the United States and Philippines. We have hundreds of photo galleries for you to enjoy on our website. There are pictures of our road trips through the United States, Texas, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, DC, and the Philippines, we have been all over the Philippines Islands at beaches and other tourist destinations mostly just eating, drinking and having fun. It is one of the most peaceful and affordable places to travel so check out our pics and sign the guestbook...thanks!!!