Friday, May 27, 2005

Oh, the memories

In the spirit of Memorial Day weekend, before I go to sleep tonight I've decided to compile a list of some memorable moments, activities, events, people, places, and, of course, restaurants that remind me of the second half of my first year in law school. Yes, this is cheesy, but, at this moment, exhaustion prevents me from writing a full blown report on what transpired during those long months. You see, I need to conserve my energy because I've got to get up early tomorrow to pack for the long weekend, which I'll be spending with family at our new cabin up north. So, if third person nostalgia does not seem appealing or if you are enraged by incomprehensible inside jokes, feel free to skip this one. Rest assured that when I return on Monday, your regularly scheduled program of entries about karaoke and pork tacos will resume.
  • 96th and Lexington - living on the border of SpaHa (and loving every minute of it)
  • Friday evenings on the 6 train rocking out to my shuffle
  • a certain waitress at Tortilla Flats who holds a second job at In Style
  • BLVD - losing my watch, living the Matrix, and sullying my beautiful complexion - all in one night
  • Momofuku - soup for the soul
  • more meat than a man should be allowed at Churrascaria Plataforma
  • shopping with mommy - size 9 and a halfs, dude
  • high-fi, doc holiday's, niagra and all those other East Village bars that are identical
  • formula 1 on the big screen
  • our first trip to Manhatta
  • our second trip - err, make that third trip to Manhatta (never thought bachlorettes could come in so handy)
  • a modest request: "Can you guys stand over by those cars?"
  • getting turned away at bars in the Meat Packing District (expected)
  • those mini-burgers at the trendy burger place in the Meat Packing (what the fuck is that called again?)
  • getting turned away at Bowery Bar (unexpected and our lowest moment)
  • bottle service and a stingy host (who knew guys were responsible for purchasing alcohol? this is the 90s, isn't it?)
  • sneaking in the back door at the FHM party only to find ourselves stuck in the bathroom on the bottom floor
  • simple pleasures: walking around in Manhattan with an Mp3 player
  • adventures in Chinatown (dim sum, soup dumplings, and dodgeball)
  • Jamba Juice, Soho, and models on a Sunday afternoon - a beautiful combination
  • while driving around Manhattan in an Elantra, a crew was formed
  • saving my soul: escape from Town Tavern
  • eating pizza after snow ball fights
  • hiding from the snow (behind Courtney)
  • a few pissed off ER nurses
  • T9 and the text message revolution
  • * Duplicate * From: Peter Message: SOS
  • From: Ron Message: Digging a hole to China? (a reference to Crotol)
  • From: Peter Message: I am downstairs
  • "dorm" party on V-tine's day
  • change of pace: sushi and 40s at my place
  • Philly cheesesteaks at Wogie's after a long night
  • Late night dining at Gramercy diner, Cosmic Cantina, Ray's Pizza, the corner Bodeaga and whatever other late night eating spot is we come across
  • jaeger shots, 7&7s, the napalm that is supposed to compliment tequila, Country Clubs for $1.59, and ample quantities of Bud Light
  • frightening females away with our voices: karaoke for guys only
  • feasts of excess at Rich's place (never forget our "sacrifice") - sake bombs, fondue, and more cowbell
  • living the Culture Club: Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Journey, and Queen
  • failed hunt for mole people
  • very inappropriate individuals
  • birthday dinner and free drinks: horrible combination
  • the rise and fall of a boxing legend
  • interviewing for a job just days after the apocalypse
  • losing Mitch (and thinking it was all an elaborate prank)
  • Eating in: Brother Jimmy's, Nick's, Barking Dog, and pseudo-burritos
  • venturing into the danger zone for Mexican-French food ("nice shoes, man!")
  • the friendliest feline in all of Manhattan
  • allergies to one another
  • wearing purple, gold, and turquoise beads out in public - and coming home with almost none left
  • becoming Confucious to my many disciples
  • boys will be boys: breakout, the chicken game, and sticky bombs
  • "No, I will not see a movie about a female boxer."
  • Tapas and insatiable hunger
  • what? we're too good for Rollin' Roaster?
  • Heard at 2:30 AM: "It's still early. We've got time."
  • studying for finals? nah, I'm at the gym
  • April and May: the period of hibernation
  • Subjecting anyone and everyone to Arrested Development
  • "Don't stop me now" because we all need a theme song
  • and, last but not least, Pioneer, because we all need a second home
There are so many more, and this doesn't even cover the law school side of things. Oh well, energy is dwindling and, therefore, spelling and grammar proficiency are disappearing at a rapid pace. Let's just hope next year we'll be able to keep it up.

Anyone with anything to add can always use the comments.

And, last but not least, I'm going to be in the wilderness, but we've got a phone. So anyone needing to get a hold of me can call this: 530-623-2982. Will putting this phone number on the internet turn out to be a mistake because of the massive amount of traffic that is drawn to this site? Only if dreams come true.

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