Sunday, December 19, 2004

Some strange alien material is falling from sky

And I'm not exactly sure what it is.

Just after finishing up an all-you-can-eat sushi meal - slash - Torts review session, Brian, Kevin and I emerge from the restaurant only to notice that there is something raining down from the heavens. Kevin and Brian assure me it is "snow" and I assure them it is "cold". Wow, this marks the first time I have ever lived in a place where it snows. Actually, I think it snowed once or twice in Fairfield during the 15 or so years I was a resident but, for purposes of this post, that doesn't count.

The 31st is going to be one chilly NYE.


Anonymous said...

Man it's one thing to send us stories of your own doom while in NY with all the damn snow but really no need to mention it being fucking cold as your civ pro teachers heart on NYE.

The only thing I want falling from the sky are golden rays of sunshine! It's 70 and sunny here in SD...why isn't everywhere like that??

Andrew said...


Prepare for the onslaught, my friend. Gloves, beanie, and scarf are all necessities. Unless, of course, you can warm yourself in SD to such a degree that your inner warmth overcomes the oppressive chill of NYC.

Anonymous said...

Well, is there anything we can do about this falling sky problem that NY seems to have?

I suggest a massive protest.

Josh, you in?