Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Do real men wear pink?

Regardless of how wearing the now-trendy color would affect my classification as a male, I am not eager to join the pink-adorned ranks of NYC, thank you very much. And that is precisely why I have to return the latest Christmas present I received.

To be less vague, the present to which I am referring is a Kangol beanie, which I requested just a few days before coming home. Originally, when I stumbled upon this winter garment on the 'net, I immediately warmed (pun intended) to the brown/tan two-tone variety. But since I couldn't seem to locate anything more than an image of that color scheme on the Kangol website and elsewhere in cyberspace, I requested the one in dark grey/light grey.

Let's just say "dark grey" is an egregious misrepresentation or, at the very least, a wee bit of an understatement - the damn thing is light grey and PINK. Well, okay, to be completely honest, it's more lilac than pink. (For those who, like me, only know the names of about 10 colors, lilac is a soft, light purple.) Keep in mind, however, it's not as if this correction mitigates the harm done. In fact, lilac represents even more of a serious affront to my fashion sense (if you'd be so kind to allow me one).

So, back to the store it goes, as all pink-hued articles of clothing must when they make their way to my closet. For now and the foreseeable future, I am to remain pink-free (or lilac-free, whatever).


Anonymous said...

Man what do you expect from a store that sells the majority of its hats to dudes named Pierre? It's a total frenchy wannabe artist store. Of course everything is going to have gay colors included.

And how is your bitch ass trying to saying you only know 10 colors and then bust out with a definition for lilac? You don't learn red, green, blue, yellow and lilac.

I think you might want to consider some pink and lilac or maybe some fusia and lavender in your attire. Just dont plan on walking around with me in NY. Is your gay uncle still available for housing DK?

Andrew said...

My mom pointed out that it was lilac; I was content to call it pink.

sylvie said...

i think pink is hot on a man. besides, you can call it "salmon."

Andrew said...

If pink can be "salmon", then what would my options have been for lilac? The only purple thing that comes to mind other than an eggplant is Barney.