Monday, December 06, 2004

Anyone wondering what I am up to at the moment and why I am not diligently writing updates for this website will be able to see from this photo that I am currently knee-deep in multi-colored notes in the pursuit of good grades.  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

But you did have enough time to put up that horrible picture of you on this site. It looks like you're trying to date me. Please, Dre, don't date me.


sylvie said...

poor andrew...

you need to get good grades so u can get a good job and get a lot of money. then you can support me after i graduate with a 1.0 gpa.

come visit!

Anonymous said...

There is a thing called a color printer.

They are pretty amazing and make it so you don't have to use a fucking highlighter to switch the colors up!

And use tabs!

Andrew said...

Ro: I always knew you loved me.

Sylvie: The chances of those two things happening - me getting good grades and you graduating - are slim.

Josh: Don't hate my notes because they are beautiful.