Monday, August 23, 2004

A common occurrence?

A few nights ago, while on the return trip from a bar in the East Village at approximately 3 am, I had what I would consider a quintessential New York experience. Note: For the squeamish, please avert your eyes, because what I am about to recount may cause you distress.

By some unfortunate turn of events, I managed to kick a large rat that, without warning, scurried out from the refuse on the sidewalk. How I did this, I do not know. Why the rat decided to run headlong into my foot, I do not know, either. What I do know is having your foot connect with a football-sized rat while walking home from a bar is not a pleasant experience.

The funny thing is, the guy I was with, a 2L who has a younger brother at Pomona, also happened to kick the rat as at careened off my foot. This leads me to believe that the rat has some penchant for being kicked by intoxicated law students. This, of course, endears the rat to me even though I find it vile and disgusting.

Oh, New York, what a twisted web you weave!


sylvie said...

thats a common occurance in vietnam. we play rat soccer. then the winners get to eat bbq rats for dinner

Andrew said...

Am I supposed to feel better now? Because I don't.

Amelia said...


Your rat encounter is interesting.

I have seen cats and dogs behave in this way. My cats and dogs seem to enjoy running in front of me when I walk, although I am usually the one that ends up on the floor! I expect my animals are planning some sort of take over....hmmm..

Perhaps the rat mistook you for someone else?

Andrew said...

Maybe that explains it. Perhaps I bear a striking resemblance to its original owner.