Thursday, September 30, 2004

So I got called on again today

But this time it was different.

Perhaps it was because just yesterday I had lunch with this very professor and two other classmates at a fancy diner, and therefore felt a slight but dwindling kinship with him. Or maybe it was the out-pouring of support via IM that exploded on my laptop screen as the first "Mr. Bramhall" emerged from the professor lips. Well, that was more distracting than anything. Whatever it was, my confidence soared and, dare I say it, I managed to respond to all of his hypotheticals with what seemed to me like sensible answers.

Specifically, he asked me about whether a guy driving a car, who throws his coffee out the window, thereby dousing a bystander on the sidewalk, should be held liable for the bee stings endurred by said bystander after he lifts his arms in indignation and stirs up a hidden bee-hive in the tree above his head. Not liable, I said, with as much conviction as I could muster at the mind-numbingly early hours of 11 am (that's my earliest class, so it is, by definition, early)! Of course we cannot find the poor sap liable - that outcome was an unforeseeable consequence of the careless act committed by the litterbug.

That is the honest-to-God truth of what he asked. He then followed it up by inserting a pit bull into the story, but at this time I was too busy replying to people on IM to notice.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


I suck at blogging. Haven't touched this thing in more than twenty days.

The problem is, being in law school, I do nothing but read and write. My TV was left at home, so even when I am done studying, I am stuck deriving pleasure from the written word of the internet, magazines, or newspapers. in all honesty, the last thing I want to do after writing an argument outling my reasoning for why, under New Jersey precedent, independent contractors should not be held liable for defects which are reasonably undiscoverable is write more - even if the subsequent writing is low stress and pertains to things more superficial in nature, like a comical encounter with a rat or my drunken shenanigans in NYC.

Perhaps the ol' college try is in order. Otherwise, I fail miserably at the relatively simple task of blogging. Go me!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Blade was readied...

...but it did not fall on my neck this day.

Our CivPro teacher, just two days ago a motherly, kind-hearted woman, metamorphosed into a merciless executioner, grilling individual students for 15-20 minutes straight. Unless the alphabet is somehow reversed over the weekend, her wrath will punish me on Tuesday.

From the time of my birth, I always knew that the 'B" in Bramhall would lead to my downfall. Now that intuition is becoming reality. Bid me farewell, friends.

I beg you

When it really comes down to it, I don't ask for much. A good meal here and there. Maybe a drink or two during the evening. The presence of at least one master maniupulator in the new season of Survivor. Periodic contact with my friends and family.

I'm even willing to entertain requests for help, for guidance, for advice. I'm the guy who will try to fix your computer or walk you home when its late. Even though I have none at the moment, I'd give you some money if you really needed it. And rest assured that I'd
never eat a puppy. NEVER.

All that I ask in return for all of this is, please, whatever you do, don't subject me to the pain, the torture, the agony that is speaking in class. It is that which I abhor most!

(This post inspired by the fact that I am on-call in my CivPro class which starts in 20 minutes.)